Is IPL the best hair removal treatment?

Which Form of Hair Removal Is Best?

A lot of people have unwanted body hair. It’s extremely common on the legs, feet, toes, fingers, back, upper lip, chin, neck and cheeks. Fortunately, many hair removal options are available to men and women looking to get rid of unsightly hair on the body. They’re all effective, to some degree, but certain methods of removing hair offer advantages. IPL laser hair removal at home is one such method.

Hair Removal Options

Shaving, trimming, tweezing and plucking are the go-to methods for most with undesirable body hair. Epilators and depilatory creams are commonly used, as well, while many choose to wax to remove hair. The problem with the above? They are not permanent and can cause discomfort. Pain, red bumps, ingrown hairs, infections, torn skin — most women and many men know the drill. Convention hair removal can also be messy.

Threading, bleaching, electrolysis and lasering are other methods for removing hair and making hair less noticeable. Professional treatments at clinics and salons tend to be costly and inconvenient, though, particularly those that offer permanent or longer-lasting treatments. For these reasons, people are increasingly opting for IPL hair removal, which is an affordable at-home laser solution.

IPL Hair Removal at Home

IPL at home has grown in popularity in recent years. This is because IPL (intense pulsed light) does away with many of the issues that make hair removal unpleasant. Laser hair removal, in general, is as effective as IPL and in some cases e.g. for dark skined people, or people with certain hair colours, it is more effective. A 2009 study found second-generation IPL hair removal was effective in achieving 75% hair reduction after 4 months, and up to 80% after 8 months.

However, regular trips to the clinic at a time that suits you can get expensive and become burdensome, or you have to work your schedule around them. Moreover, professional treatments don’t provide the privacy some people require.

With intense pulsed light hair removal at home, you can use an IPL hair removal device to remove body hair in complete privacy and comfort at your own leisurely pace. You save time and money (on laser treatment sessions, bookings, driving, petrol, etc.), and you can get the same or even better results at home with no pain while performing other activities.

Bottom line, IPL hair removal offers a number of significant advantages over professional treatments and other at-home hair removal procedures. It is widely considered the best at-home laser hair removal method. Get own your IPL Hair Removal Handset device from Redefining Beauty today and see why for yourself.

Learn more about our home IPL hair removal device today!